Graduation Cake for Ms Lucky

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”  – Winston Churchill.

My husband asked me to make a graduation cake for his co-worker, Lucky, who just graduated with MBA degree. Of course I agreed. I always love first time cake project, and to learn something new gave me thrill and excitement thinking how it’s going to turn out.


This 2 tier cake turned out to be as perfect as I could get, if only I could silence my perfectionism. The hat was made out of rice crispy and the mortarboard made out of graham crackers. Several things I learned in the process. For the mortarboard, I could use rice crispy or graham crackers, and leaving it set overnight at room temperatures. I tried to rush it in 2 hours, but the mortarboard didn’t hold its shape. I also learned to use thicker board as the cake base due to the weight of the entire cake. Oh my, this cake was heavy.


Lastly, I learned the gel color couldn’t make true bright red and blue fondant as I had planned. I didn’t have powder colors, so the book looked pink and the hat looked blue enough. I was excited to know the mortarboard hold its shape, but nobody ate it because it was hard like a piece of wood. Hey nothing is perfect, and as long as I feel happy with the result, I believe Lucky would be happy too.


Congratulations Lucky!!!

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